

aleksandr volkov

Spetsnaz / Redhammer



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Barbed Wire


The *Shockwave Shield* is an arm-mounted shield that can be used in both passive and active modes. When activated, the shield emits a low-frequency pulse of sound that stuns and knocks back nearby enemies. The pulse deals no direct damage, but disorientates and distorts enemies' vision for a few seconds, making them vulnerable to attacks. - **Number of pulses**: 3 (with a recharge time of 10 seconds between each pulse). - **Effect duration**: 2.5 seconds. - **Area of effect**: 180 degrees in front of the operator with a radius of 5 meters. The *Shockwave Shield* can be used both while walking and standing, but has a short activation time and can be neutralized by stun gadgets or EMP.


The *Shockwave Shield* is an arm-mounted shield that can be used in both passive and active modes. When activated, the shield emits a low-frequency pulse of sound that stuns and knocks back nearby enemies. The pulse deals no direct damage, but disorientates and distorts enemies' vision for a few seconds, making them vulnerable to attacks.

- **Number of pulses**: 3 (with a recharge time of 10 seconds between each pulse).
- **Effect duration**: 2.5 seconds.
- **Area of effect**: 180 degrees in front of the operator with a radius of 5 meters.

The *Shockwave Shield* can be used both while walking and standing, but has a short activation time and can be neutralized by stun gadgets or EMP.


Aleksandr Volkov was born in a small industrial town in Eastern Siberia. Growing up in a harsh environment, he learned early on the importance of physical strength and mental toughness. After a brief career in the mining industry, Aleksandr joined the Russian Army, where he served for over a decade in heavy infantry units.

During his service, he developed a reputation as an unwavering soldier, able to remain calm under fire and protect his comrades with courage. His ability to handle heavy equipment and his tendency to "break through" enemy defenses earned him the nickname "Bulldozer".

After retiring from the military, Aleksandr worked as a security consultant in various conflict zones before being recruited by Rainbow. His background has given him an innate ability to quickly assess situations and make decisive decisions on the battlefield. Despite his rough appearance and demeanor, he is known to be deeply loyal and protective of his companions.

Outside of combat, Aleksandr is passionate about mechanics and often spends his free time repairing old vehicles or building tools for his own use. 



aleksandr volkov

Spetsnaz / Redhammer



Russian Federation (the)

Rainbow Six Siege
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